Year 7 Science

Year 7 students are busy learning about how scientists work! They are finding out there is a whole new language to learn and a much-disciplined way of going about understanding the world around them. They have found out that scientists don’t just work in labs – they work everywhere, from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space. The best thing about science of course is always the practical sessions! Students have learned how to be safe in the lab, how to use the Bunsen burner and how to conduct a scientific investigation. Some students have even investigated flubber!

This year we welcome new staff member Mrs Susan Forde who will be teaching the girls’ classes. Mr Bekir Pamuk will be teaching the boys’ classes. Everyone is looking forward to a very interesting 2020.

Food Technology

This week in Food Technology we made a sweet pizza. The base was pitta bread and the toppings were 3 different types of chocolate, strawberries and halal marshmallows. The pitta bread base makes a great crispy combination with the toppings. It was enjoyed by students and staff.

Food Technology photos

Research Science

Year 9 Research Science: It’s crystal clear!

Year 9 Research Science students have started off the year by answering the question: What are the similarities and differences between two common crystals: table sugar and salt? After all they look very similar, don’t they? In the Middle Ages sugar was even known as sweet salt.

While investigating salt and sugar, scientifically known as sodium chloride and sucrose, students discovered that while salt doesn’t burn, it does melt. On the other hand, sugar does not melt but it burns vigorously. They also found out that sugar is over five times more soluble than salt! Did you know it is possible to dissolve about 200g of sugar in just 100 mL of water at room temperature? Students also investigated recrystalising sugar and salt from solution (with interesting results), and their effect on the boiling and freezing point of water (again, with interesting results!).

Research science is all about investigating a question and trying to explain experimental observations. It is a great elective to take in preparation for VCE science subjects.

Religion and Values

As-Salaamu Alaikum,

Welcome to new academic year 2020. Hope everyone had a wonderful and rejuvenating break and ready for the new journey at Sirius College. We’ve had a fantastic start to this term, looking forward to have a very productive year, Inshallah.

This term students are learning about Faith in Islam. Students are learning 6 Pillars of Faith in details in each year level. They learn the topics through questioning, brainstorming, note-taking, and exploring by videos and images. We also share some stories related to topics. Term 1 Learning Outlines were sent to home for each year level in week 1 and week 2.

In Memorisation class, students are having a revision of the last year’s surahs and du’as during Term 1 which mentioned in Term 1 Learning Outline. We kindly encourage parents to give a support for students’ memorization tasks at home.

Surah, homework and class tasks will be assessed ongoing. Students are required to complete all tasks on time. Student’s class task assessment will be held in week 6 and the assessment on lesson contents will be held in week 8. The students will be notified about the exact assessment dates one week before with a notice in their student diaries or by SEQTA email.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s year level Religion and Values teacher for any questions or concern about his/her learning.

Upper Level Religion and Values Department